Brittanie Miller

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Denver, CO 80205-2050
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Contact Information

Phone: (219)252-4560

Years in Practice



Inspired and fascinated with holistic living, Brittanie has been traveling an accelerated and potent path of holistic health care education for the last several years, and is a devoted passionista of walking her talk. She is an apprentice and assistant instructor at the Berkana Institute of Massage Therapy, and is completing her Mindful Expressionism Certification this summer with the method originator.  Brittanie specializes in encouraging the resolution of TMJ related complaints, addresses limiting core musculature dysfunction, and works with her clients to increase the freedom of movement inherent with Deep Lumbar (lower back) treatment. She also specializes in creating deep breathing patterns for her clients through breathing enhancement techniques.

 Brittanie approaches all bodywork with an artistic perspective while grounded in the health sciences. She mindfully integrates the various modalities, customizing treatments specifically for each client, and intuitively inspiring natural healing and holistic balance for her clients.