Massage Therapy for Post-Operative Pain
Massage General Courses

Massage Therapy for Post-Operative Pain

Author(s): Rose Adams

2.5CE credits 12 Lessons Text

Get an explanation of post-operative pain, and the traditional protocols for helping relieve it. Learn about specific surgeries, common types of post-operative pain, and massage therapy contradications. Find out how massage can help patients better manage this type of pain.

Explore how pain complicates healing in post-operative patients. Research underlines the value of massage therapy for these patients when contraindications and side effects of pain-relieving medications are considered. Get a view of the hospital work environment. When you complete this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the role massage therapy can play in improving patient outcomes for post-operative patients.
  • Describe how post-operative pain affects healing from surgeries.
  • Identify pain-relieving medications, their methods of administration, and side effects.
  • Describe how massage therapy can relieve post-operative pain and the contraindications for massage therapy.
  • Define the hospital setting for massage therapists.

  1. Complications from Post-operative Pain
  2. Post-operative Pain from Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeries
  3. Common Types of Post-operative Pain
  4. Conventional Medications for Post-operative Pain
  5. Methods of Administering Pain-relieving Medications
  6. Research on How Massage Can Relieve Post-operative Pain
  7. Massage Techniques for the Post-operative Setting
  8. Contraindications for Massage Therapy in the Post-operative Setting
  9. Side Effects of Post-operative Medications
  10. Considerations in Hospital Settings
  11. Profile of a Massage Therapist in a Health Care Setting
  12. Resources

For over 30 years, Rose Adams’ work with massage has been in private practice, collaboration with local healthcare providers, including 9 years working as a massage therapist in the hospital setting. Currently, Rose sees cancer patients and the elderly weekly at local healthcare facilities and is a teacher and clinic supervisor at Arizona School of Integrative Studies. She has continued her path of ongoing learning in massage including acupressure, cross fiber, cranio- sacral, pregnancy and infant massage, reflexology, manual lymphatic drainage, massage for cancer patients, and breast cancer rehabilitation and Qigong for healing.