Career Path Quiz

Discover which massage setting is your best fit based on your interests, preferences and work style.

  1. Skills/Knowldge
  2. Environment & Work Style
  3. Schedule & Travel
  4. Interests
  5. Results

Rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale from 1 to 5

0% complete
1 2 3 4 5
  Disagree Agree
1. I excel at time management
2. I communicate well with others
3. I am organized
4. I have knowlege in fitness
5. I have a background in health
6. I am a compassionate person
7. I am a creative person
8. I have a customer-focused attitude
9. I am good at multi-tasking
10. I can promote other treatments and products
11. I am comfortable finding prospective clients
12. I perceive myself as a healer first
13. I have studied nutritional habits
14. I have a strong knowledge of anatomy
15. I have a strong knowledge of kinesiology