Career Path Quiz

Discover which massage setting is your best fit based on your interests, preferences and work style.

  1. Skills/Knowldge
  2. Environment & Work Style
  3. Schedule & Travel
  4. Interests
  5. Results

Rate your interests in the following areas on a scale from 1 to 5

75% complete

1 = Least interested / 5 = Most interested

1 2 3 4 5
1. Sports and athletics
2. Providing pain relief
3. Offering relaxation
4. Reducing stress
5. Offering rejuvenation
6. Reviewing the latest research about massage therapy
7. Providing treatments other than massage
8. Training others in massage
9. Learning about health-related conditions
10. Providing strength training tips
11. Studying biomechanics
12. Learning about the muscular system
13. Studying sciences
14. Completing administrative work
15. Performing sales and marketing work