Jeane Hays

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Scottsdale, AZ 85254-1644
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Contact Information

Phone: (602)695-0439

Years in Practice



Jeane is Nationally Board Certified with over twenty-five years experience in massage and bodywork.Jeane's skills focus on holistically evaluating your entire body and its alignment patterns to create a session that delivers gentle yet therapeutic results customized for your specific needs.Jeane's expertise is in reducing symptoms associated with head, neck, and jaw tension, headaches and migraines, head impacts and concussions, anxiety and depression, computer strain, back and hip tension, unresolved pain, and a sedentary lifestyle.Reducing compression within the nervous system is critical to improving health.  Jeane's skills focus on this system to guide your body back toward its optimal well-being.A blend of therapies is often the best approach for success.Jeane's modalities include Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Balancing,  Therapeutic Swedish, Resistance Release Therapy, Barral Cranial Neural Mobilization Therapy, Chikly Fluid Articular Release Therapy (Joint Fluid Dynamics) and Chikly Osteopathic Lymphatic Drainage Technique.